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Weekly Check-ins - EDSE 380

Check-in 1

  • "I realized how much theatre and arts classrooms already have many accommodations inherently embedded into them."

  • ​

  • "I'm exciting to explore what teaching up will look like in the future."​

August 30

Check-in 3

  • "I feel like I bonded a lot with my host teacher and started helping her with different things in the classroom"​

  • "I can tell that my host teacher does not know all of the students' names, and she mentioned to me how she wished she spent more time on it at the beginning of the year. I want to make sure I don't miss that crucial window at the beginning of the year to get to know students"​

  • Tip from host teacher:

  • Setting timers a few minutes before the end of each period for art classes for cleanup​

  • Reflection on a threat to the school

September 13

Check-in 5

"This week I've felt really good about building stronger connections with my students"

Yearbook class finally got software!

Reflection on how only outgoing students usually ask for help in my classes

"I started walking around during both classes and noticed lots of students just stop doing their work when they get stuck, particularly the really quiet students."

Student comment: "thank you, you're really helpful to me"

Went to pep rally and got to meet other art teachers: made me excited for my teacher community

"I want to make it a priority whenever students are doing group work or independent work to be accessible and walk around as much as possible to be there for them"


September 27

Check-in 7

  • Big takeaway: importance of using data for teaching and planning

  • "I definitely need work on practicing applying ways of using data"

  • Reflection on pre-assessment

  • "I want to use pre-assessment to make changes and identify which students are in different places: example of different projects in sewing unit"

October 11

Check-in 9

  • Discussed importance of reflection of lessons taught for future use with host teacher, especially the first few years

  • Practice taking attendance and seeing the Canvas side of things

  • Noticed that students prioritize other classes whose teachers are more strict on deadlines.

  • "It's tricky to find that balance between strict and not strict for elective classes"

November 15

​Check-in 2

  • Topics

  • Learned about the community of my school

  • Power and internet outage

  • Disappointment during attendance

  • Reflection on goal of getting to know students

  • "Being vulnerable and being able to feel comfortable is very important in my (theatre) classroom." 

September 6

Check-in 4

Gave students get to know me sheets, which helped me learn more about them.

"All the community building I'm doing is really helping my host teacher a lot"

"I think that I have learned all of their names, now I'm just working on locking them in and trying to interact with more of them every day"

"I can have an impactful experience even if it's not the ideal situation or not in my content area. I am learning and bettering myself as an educator every time I set foot into the classroom and am observing students and a teacher"

September 20

Check-in 6

  • Host teacher had family emergency

  • Observed interesting sub situation

  • Was able to observe ceramics teacher instead: "I was able to see two very different dynamics of classes and this made me excited to teach different levels. Intro level is is trying to get students engaged, but with advanced, you're getting to help really engaged students push themselves further in the art"

  • Ceramic teacher's curriculum revision process- chronological curriculum approach

October 4

Check-in 8

  • Big takeway: Using AI in the classroom to your advantage

  • "Students are going to try to use it for every subject no matter what you're doing, so inviting it into your classroom in a way that you have control over it is going to create more trust"

  • "So many of my future students' jobs are going to be working in AI, so it's no longer reasonable to shield it from them"

  • "Before this week I was pretty against AI, but my mind has changed about that"

  • "Project based learning is inherently the structure of theatre classes, and I think this is an advantage for me when planning curriculum"

October 18

Check-in 10

  • Reflection on teaching unit

  • "It was the most engagement I've seen overall in my classroom this semester"

  • ​"From my unit alone, I got to see a lot of students grades go up because of this engagement"

  • Ended up taking the lead on teaching in Yearbook class as well which felt very natural

  • Observer noted that I was very comfortable, and wouldn't have guessed I was outside of my content area.

  • Reflection on being outside of content area for both semesters

  • "I think I've really proven to myself these past two semesters that I really can teach, and not just theatre. Being outside of my content for these have, at the core, strengthened my qualities as a teacher, and allowed me to focus more on the teaching side of things than the content side"

  • "This semester has showed me that I am able to take on those extra challenges that will come with being a theatre teacher".

November 22
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